
Quantity Unit Symbol
Acidity/alkalinity pH pH
Area hectare ha
square kilometre km2
Electrical conductivity microsiemens per centimetre µS/cm
Length micrometre µm
millimetre mm
centimetre cm
metre m
kilometre km
Mass microgram µg
kilogram kg
tonne t
megatonne Mt
gigatonne Gt
Power megawatt MW
kilowatt-hour kWh
gigawatt-hour GWh
Time second s
hour hr
day d
year y
Velocity and speed kilometres per hour km/hr
metres per second m/s

Quantity Unit Symbol
Volume cubic metre m3
Volume (fluids) litre L
kilolitre kL
megalitre ML
gigalitres GL
gigalitres per year GL/y
Work and energy petajoule PJ
Other abbreviations carbon dioxide equivalent units CO2-e
parts per million ppm
micrograms per cubic metre µg/m3

Prefixes for SI units

Fraction Prefix Symbol
10–6 micro µ
103 kilo k
106 mega M
109 giga G
106 peta P