List of Maps
Native Fauna
Climate and Air
Air Quality
Climate Change
Protected Areas and Conservation
Native Vegetation
- Map 13.1: Map of vegetation extent in NSW
- Map 13.2a: Ecological condition of terrestrial habitat in NSW*, 2013
- Map 13.2b: Ecological connectivity of terrestrial habitat in NSW*, 2013
- Map 13.2c: Ecological carrying capacity of terrestrial habitat in NSW*, 2013
- Map 13.3: Distribution of vegetation pressure, 2015–16
Soil Condition
- Map 10.1: pH levels in the top 10 centimetres of soils in NSW, 2020
- Map 10.2: Modelled change in pH levels for the top 10 centimetres of soil for the period 2006–20
- Map 10.3: Soil acidification risk across NSW
- Map 10.4: Soil organic carbon stocks for the top 30 centimetres of soil across NSW, 2020
- Map 10.5: Change in NSW soil organic carbon stocks for the period 2006–20
- Map 10.6: Annual mean hillslope erosion 2018–20
- Map 10.7: Change in annual mean hillslope erosion rate, baseline to 2018–20
- Map 10.8: Status and change in the average number of dust hours recorded at NSW DustWatch stations for the 2017–20 period compared to the 10-year mean for 2007–17
- Map 10.9: Overall salinity hazard assessment for NSW, 2020
- Map 10.10: Change in the land disturbance index from approximately 2005–17